Postcard for Peace

by Julie Niemela
Postcard for Peace
Julie Niemela
Painting - Digital Art
This artwork is based on Zen Master Bankei Yotaku's (1622-1693) uniquely identifiable enso. Using two strokes, instead of the traditional one stroke, he redefined the form. Two strokes, two actions, each with its own energy and boundary, embrace each other and come together as one circle; a perfect image of peace.
Bankei created this enso in his work entitled 'Sakyamuni and Maitreya'. Alongside the enso, he wrote 'Sakyamuni and Maitreya are both servants', referring to case 45 of the classic koan collection. Sakyamuni is the Supreme Buddha of our age; Maitreya is Sakyamuni's foretold successor. According to tradition, Sakyamuni woke up under the bodhi tree and declared "Now I am enlightened together with all beings", which is interpreted to mean 'All beings were his servants and he was servant to all beings'. Thus, the power of this koan and of Bankei's enso is that life is a circle of giving.
July 16th, 2011